Hyundai Steel has published its digital-based integrated report for 2022, entitled “Beyond Steel,” detailing the steelmaker’s goals and achievements in sustainable management.

Published every year since 2016, Beyond Steel is both a sustainability report and annual report, and transparently discloses Hyundai Steel’s sustainable management endeavors and activities including financial and non-financial achievements.
The 2022 report details Hyundai Steel’s sustainable management activities and their outcomes. and is comprised of three main components: “ESG Management,” detailing Hyundai Steel’s mid- to long-term strategies and its framework for ESG; “ESG Activities,” summarized under the categories of environment, social, and governance; and “Factbook” which outlines both financial and non-financial data and achievements.
Environmental achievements listed include Hyundai Steel’s commitment to its carbon neutrality targets; its exclusive carbon-neutral, electric furnace-based steelmaking system “Hy-Cube,” eco-friendly investment in nitrogen oxide reducing equipment and other green upgrades, as well as the use of waste resources in the steelmaking process.
Hyundai Steel’s social achievements listed include multi-faceted internal implementations for improved workplace safety, as well as various volunteer activities performed in local communities, including the recycling of coffee grounds. Governance related achievements include greater diversity within the board of directors, along with new products and technologies that contribute to future mobility.
Publication of Beyond Steel was permanently switched to a digital format last year to allow anyone to view it freely online and to reduce carbon emissions by conserving the paper and printing that would have been required. Beyond Steel received a design update and new user-friendly features this year to make it more accessible and readable.
“Social values include respecting the environment, society, and people in the form of ‘ESG Management,’ which has now become an essential requirement for the survival and growth of businesses,” remarked President & CEO An Tong-il in Beyond Steel 2022. “All members of Hyundai Steel are committed to putting together our capabilities to turn them into new opportunities for a leap forward, so that we can grow into an eco-friendly steel company with sustainable growth.”
Visit to view Beyond Steel 2022.