To promote positive changes in the organizational culture, Hyundai Steel selected 102 Change Leaders (CL) and embarked on nurturing change-driving individuals.
The 2023 HELLO CL Workshop for the CLs was held at Gonjiam Resort for two days, starting on June 15. The workshop was organized to share Hyundai Steel’s future direction and to discuss the role of CLs in promoting a positive organizational culture.
The selected CLs from each department took on the role of leading positive changes within the company by identifying organizational culture improvement activities that aligned with the characteristics of their respective business units. They will also be encouraging fellow employees to voluntarily participate in these activities. During the workshop, achievements and activities being planned for change were announced by each division. There was also an opportunity to benchmark successful cases.
In addition, the CLs also worked on refining the draft of the “Ground Rules” that was prepared by Future Board members in May. Ground Rules are a set of shared commitments that leaders and team members are to abide by, defining both recommended and non-acceptable behaviors for employees in advance.
During the workshop, Senior Manager Kim Taek-joon, the Head of the Management Planning Group, gave a presentation titled “Hyundai Steel’s Future Strategy,” which included the recently announced carbon neutrality strategy, and shared the company’s vision. In addition, an external speaker, the CEO of AIPU was present to discuss the competencies CLs need to lead organizational changes effectively.
“Organizational culture is created through the voluntary efforts of its members, and develops when we strive to transform not only ourselves but also the company in a positive direction, creating a virtuous cycle,” said President & CEO An Tong-il. “I ask each of you to act as flexible communication channels within your organization to facilitate a healthy organizational culture.”
Recently, companies are making efforts to create a flexible organizational culture that can adapt and withstand highly uncertain and volatile business environments. Hyundai Steel also plans to continue its diverse activities to promote change for the better, with the selected CLs playing a central role. These efforts aim to enhance employee satisfaction and foster a company that grows together.