Hyundai Steel is conducting a social contribution campaign called “70 cm Miracle, Moonshot Challenge” as part of the company’s 70th anniversary celebrations.
This campaign, open to all employees and stakeholders, will run for a period of three weeks, from May 20 to June 10 (the anniversary of the company’s founding). The goal is to accumulate a total of 500 million steps from all participants.
The “70 cm Miracle, Moonshot Challenge” is based on the average stride length of Koreans, which is 70 cm. By setting the “moonshot” goal of accumulating 500 million steps, this campaign symbolizes the collective challenge to walk 380,000 km, which is the distance from the Earth to the Moon.
As Hyundai Steel celebrates its 70-year history of turning impossibilities into possibilities, the 70th anniversary also aims to awaken the spirit of attempting to do the impossible once again. If this mission is successful, the company plans to provide customized mobility chairs worth a total of USD 75,000 to children with developmental disabilities who live in the local areas of Hyundai Steel business premises through Purme Foundation.
Anyone interested can participate by downloading “FOAV,” an app for donating walking steps, to their mobile phone. Hyundai Steel has also set up a participation booth at the 16th Iron & Steel Marathon Competition held on May 20 so that the steps of those who completed the marathon could be counted as well.
Participants will be provided with 20 eco-friendly (zero-waste) kits. However, a daily limit of 50,000 steps was set to prevent unlimited step counts. To avoid unnecessary competition, winners will be selected through a random draw rather than based on the number of steps.
Meanwhile, in September 2022, Hyundai Steel delivered mobility aids (worth USD 38,000) to 22 children with developmental disabilities that live in the local areas of Hyundai Steel business premises through an employee step donation campaign, which accumulated a total of 220 million steps.