Hyundai Steel Wins Grand Prize at Web Award Korea 2022

Hyundai Steel’s digital integrated report “Beyond Steel” recently won Grand Prize in the Customer Service (Social Contribution) category at Web Award Korea 2022.

Web Award Korea, hosted by the Korea Internet Professionals Association (KIPFA) and sponsored by the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) under the Ministry of Science and ICT, is Korea’s most prestigious web award and recognizes innovation and excellence in websites. Award winners are carefully selected by the Web Award Korea evaluation committee, which is comprised of 3,800 internet experts from across the nation.

Hyundai Steel produced the digital-based integrated report “Beyond Steel” for the first time in 2021 in a “responsive web” format, which automatically adjusts the size of the web page to fit the size of the device on which the web page is being viewed. This type of format allows users to conveniently access the web contents using any type of digital device (computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc.).

In 2022, the “Beyond Steel” user interface (UI) was redesigned so that readers could access report contents more conveniently. The composition and overall design of the report were dramatically enhanced to increase readability. These changes are what won “Beyond Steel” high marks for “visual and UI design” and “contents” at Web Award Korea 2022.

“Beyond Steel fully expresses the company’s sustainability and values through an organic design that is not overly formulaic,” said one of the evaluation committee members.”Hyundai Steel improved the content accessibility of Beyond Steel with a neat layout and information organized by type.”

“We are delighted to be awarded the Grand Prize in the Customer Service (Social Contribution) category for 2022 after winning the Integrated Grand Prize in 2021,” stated a Hyundai Steel official. “Through our integrated report, we will strive to quickly and accurately communicate our company’s values and sustainability management efforts to our internal and external stakeholders.”

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