The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) have selected Hyundai Steel for inclusion in its 2022 World Index. The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices is a private assessment of the corporate sustainability of companies around the world.
The DJSI World Index is a list of the top 10% of ESG management performers among the 2,500 companies with the highest free-float market capitalization in the world. Only 24 Korean companies including Hyundai Steel were named on the 2022 DJSI.
This year, Hyundai Steel won recognition in the DJSI World Index for the 5th year running. The company was also included in the DJSI Asia Pacific Index, a list of the top 20% of the top 600 companies in the Asia-Pacific, for the 14th year running; and by the DJSI Korea Index, a list of the top 30% of the top 200 Korean companies, for the 5th year running, thereby cementing the sustainability of its management from a global perspective.
The Indexes gave a favorable assessment of Hyundai Steel across all the categories relating to ESG management, while noting improvements in the Board-of-Directors efficiency, supply chain risk management, cyber security processes, and other areas.
Previously, Hyundai Steel’s sustainable management was recognized by the Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability (KCGS) in November, when the steelmaker was given the top rating of “A” in its ESG management assessment.
“Hyundai Steel’s sustainable management endeavors, which included solidifying its ESG governance system and implementing improvements based on identified strategic tasks, have produced considerable results,” said a Hyundai Steel spokesperson. “We will further specify our ESG management targets and accelerate fundamental changes in our business divisions in 2023, to strengthen our makeup for a sustainable future.”