Hyundai Steel’s Incheon Works is filled with electrical equipment of all sizes and configurations, and it’s the Electricals Team that keeps it all running safely.
Their work continues around the clock, and can be quite high-stakes considering the various dangers industrial electrical equipment can pose. Given the time they spend together, it’s no surprise there’s a brotherly bond among them. They communicate with each other with such ease that you’d be forgiven for thinking they were related. Workplace safety is the name of their game. With these heroes keeping watch over the Incheon plant, Hyundai Steel’s year ahead look bright.
At Incheon Works, the Electricals Team is the ultimate authority on the maintenance and upgrading of all electrical equipment. Any equipment on site that runs on electricity is under their care.
The team members see themselves as akin to the police or the fire brigade. Just as public servants are on hand 24-7 to protect the lives, safety, and property of the people, the Electricals Team too is forever ready. The approach they take to their duty is that Incheon Works would not keep ticking along without them.
The team members say that staying safe on the job is their top priority. To get through each day without any accidents, the team starts each workday with a safety talk. While anything goes as long as it’s about safety and meant to keep the team safe, the essence of the talk always remains the same: to go over what needs to be done in the day’s work ahead and what safety hazards the team members should be aware of.
They say the plant environment doesn’t always let them do all that needs to be done, and frequently the team is challenged by poor work conditions and various dangers. But when they get the work done to the best of their ability, there’s no feeling more rewarding, they say.
Earlier this year in January, Incheon Works had a major facilities issue that normally would have taken 10 to 15 days to fix, but the enormity of the challenge only motivated the team more. Just three days later, the plant was running normally, as if nothing had happened.
It begins with teamwork and ends with teamwork, they say. The Electricals Team is a single unit when it comes to their duty. The work may vary from team member to team member, but the end result is a unified one. While the pandemic put a hold on their regular meet-ups for meals or drinks outside of work, their sense of unity has not changed one iota.
Like any other year, the Electricals Team is determined to make this year accident free. In their line of work, safety is achieved through – again – teamwork. They do it with their weekly meetings, daily safety talk, open communication, and by watching out for each other. Thanks to their commitment and hard work, Incheon Works hums along peacefully today.